Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Pettiskirt Heaven

I was looking for a good twirl-y skirt for my girls, and I came across this great tutorial.  I followed her advice, and got all the chiffon for the skirts here.  Getting the chiffon in the precut rolls made things super easy!  Next time I may try getting it from a local store by the yard and sewing strips together, depending on how much time I have of course!

I did find out that my sewing machine was not cut out for sewing that much fabric though!  After sewing through the initial 2 layers of 2" chiffon (30 yds per piece and 2 pieces),
it was moving pretty slow.  The stitches weren't catching right, and it started to fall apart.  So it was time to invest in a new one.  So I got this great new machine that does embroidery too!!
Now I have to figure out how to make it gather the fabric as I sew...might be time to invest in a ruffler foot!

But it only took me about 6 hours to finish B's skirt.  Now for S's....and skirts for their birthday party :)

B and I had a little mini photo shoot this morning and I got to play around with the pictures in photoshop too.  I still have a lot to learn with photoshop, but I managed to extend the sheet in the background to cover the fireplace.

Now I have to get B out of the skirt...

Monday, April 14, 2014

The Beginning

This blog will be about my adventures in baking and crafting.  Some of my experiments have not been as successful as others, but it's still great fun.  This blog will be a play by play of the different things I try to do.

My name is Rose, and I'm a stay at home mom of an almost 3 year old (B) and a 15 month old (S) (both girls), and we have baby #3 on the way...due around the end of September.  I decided to start this blog as a way to gain some "me" time to keep some sanity :)

Thank you for reading this blog, and be sure to leave me any comments you may have!
