Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Pettiskirt Heaven

I was looking for a good twirl-y skirt for my girls, and I came across this great tutorial.  I followed her advice, and got all the chiffon for the skirts here.  Getting the chiffon in the precut rolls made things super easy!  Next time I may try getting it from a local store by the yard and sewing strips together, depending on how much time I have of course!

I did find out that my sewing machine was not cut out for sewing that much fabric though!  After sewing through the initial 2 layers of 2" chiffon (30 yds per piece and 2 pieces),
it was moving pretty slow.  The stitches weren't catching right, and it started to fall apart.  So it was time to invest in a new one.  So I got this great new machine that does embroidery too!!
Now I have to figure out how to make it gather the fabric as I sew...might be time to invest in a ruffler foot!

But it only took me about 6 hours to finish B's skirt.  Now for S's....and skirts for their birthday party :)

B and I had a little mini photo shoot this morning and I got to play around with the pictures in photoshop too.  I still have a lot to learn with photoshop, but I managed to extend the sheet in the background to cover the fireplace.

Now I have to get B out of the skirt...

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